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결핍과 성장이라는 공연 주제를 다이어그램과 사진으로 표현했습니다. ‘결핍’은 앙상한 다이어그램으로, ‘성장’은 풍성한 잎파리로 보여줍니다. 공연의 부차적인 키워드를 포스터의 목차로 보여주어, 관객들의 공연에 대한 기대감을 높일 수 있게 했습니다.
The performance themes of deprivation and growth were expressed in diagrams and photos. Deficiency is showed as a bare diagram and growth is designed as rich leaves. By showing the secondary keywords of the performance in the table of contents on the poster, the audience's expectations for the performance could be raised.
The performance themes of deprivation and growth were expressed in diagrams and photos. Deficiency is showed as a bare diagram and growth is designed as rich leaves. By showing the secondary keywords of the performance in the table of contents on the poster, the audience's expectations for the performance could be raised.