주제는 사랑
밴드 까치산의 공연 ‘주제는 사랑’의 포스터 작업을 진행했습니다. 키치한 B급 감성을 재미있게 보여주는 레터링과 그래픽으로 까치산 특유의 분위기를 나타냈습니다.
Worked on the poster of the band KACHISAN's performance, "Theme is Love." It showed the unique atmosphere of KACHISAN with lettering and graphics that interestingly show the kitsch B-class sensibility.
Worked on the poster of the band KACHISAN's performance, "Theme is Love." It showed the unique atmosphere of KACHISAN with lettering and graphics that interestingly show the kitsch B-class sensibility.